Professional Development

This is for keeping track of PD.


Respectful Relationships

  • Jan 28th, 90 mins. Presentation at Wyche P-12.

Vocabulary Building

  • Jan 28th, 90 mins. Presentation at Wyche P-12.


Hazard & Incident Reporting

  • March 5th. 30 mins. Online module.
  • Some of the most ridiculous assessment questions you could possibly read. If teachers assessed this way we would be in serious trouble.

Manual Handling

  • March 5th. 30 mins. Online module.
  • Some of the most ridiculous assessment questions you could possibly read. If teachers assessed this way we would be in serious trouble.

Slips, Trips & Falls

  • March 5th. 30 mins. Online module.
  • Some of the most ridiculous assessment questions you could possibly read. If teachers assessed this way we would be in serious trouble.

Direct Instruction Tutorials

  • 10 minutes. Up to video 3.
  • Watching the tutorial videos from the National Institute of Direct Instruction.



  • 1 hour. Wycheproof.
  • BC and I ran an tutorial/presentation on the HIT of Questioning.

Chalk Circles - Gender Literacy

  • 1 hour (1st May). Wycheproof
  • Workshop with kids regarding gender roles.
  • Some tips on how to deal with students and language to use.

Asthma First Aid for School Staff

  • 2 hours (18th April). Rubbish online course.
  • Certificate

Speech Punctuation

  • 1 hour (20th Feb). Wycheproof
  • Took staff PD to establish a common way of punctuating direct speech.
  • Also showed a learning tool (Kahoot).
  • Inc putting posters I made up around the school after the PD.

Collaborative Learning

  • 1 hour (29th Jan). Wycheproof
  • PD on Collaborative Learning from the HITS. Difference b/w collaborative and group work.
  • Protocol for forming groups.
  • Introduced to Mentimeter as a tool to collect student responses.

Professional Practice Eements

  • 2 hours (29th Jan). Wycheproof
  • Went through new 'agreement'.
  • Respectful Relationships. 2 key points: Band the 'Sneaky Teaser' and 'I am a School Leader'.
  • School data: Stategic Plan, AIP.
  • Continued focus on improved writing outcomes.
  • HITs - went through the document.


Chalk Circles - Respectful Relationships

  • 2 hours (19th July). Wycheproof
  • What ideal relationships look like, etc.

Respectful Relationships

  • 1 1/2 hours (18th July)
  • Presenter Dave - our Regional Co-ordinator from Swan Hill.
  • Mainly focused on family violence and gender roles.

Chalk Circles - Gender Literacy

  • 2 hours (18th July). Wycheproof
  • Workshop with kids regarding gender roles and wearing gender lenses.
  • Focus on gender socialisation.

Anaphylaxis Training

  • 4 hours (31st Jan & 21st of Feb). Wycheproof.
  • Online training & practise with pens.


7 Steps to Writing Success

  • 2 hours (30th Jan). Wycheproof
  • Ran a session on implementing the 7-Steps program across the school.

Powerful Learning

  • 2 hours (30th Jan). Wycheproof
  • Going through the learning model as well as Strategic Plan, AIP, Vic Curriculum, etc.


7 Steps to Writing Success

  • All day. Geelong
  • Fantastic PD on actual writing strategies. Our school is going to adopt this program in 2017.

Calm kids - Teach Mindfulness to Students

  • All day (7th Sept). Ballarat.
  • An inspiring PD about activities and theory of helping students to be 'in the moment', getting their minds ready for work.

Positive Education - Embed the Tools of Positive Psychology into your School

  • All day (8th Sept). Ballarat.
  • Interesting PD about making sure activities are challenging yet not beyond students' capabilities. About adapting other ideas to bring to classroom etc. (Stuff I like to do, so I found this intriguing).

Curriculum Planning & Reporting - English

  • 60 mins (11th August)
  • VCAA Online PD
  • Worse than the previous. Most of it was 'discuss with colleagues'. What colleagues? Only time they documents we might actually need, they flew through it so I had no idea where they were anyway.
  • Then just send a whole bunch of links.

Curriculum Planning & Reporting

  • 60 mins (10th August). VCAA Online PD
  • Confusing as all Hell.

Students with Special Needs

  • 90 mins. (12th July).
  • Spoke about specific students in the school.
  • Video of a special needs teacher.
  • Handouts on dyslexia and the different types.
  • Introduced to booklet for 'Traumatised Children'.
  • PDF Educational resources. (Which I have printed out).

Start of Year Days

(Need to find this and fill in).



Mandatory reporting Online Module

Teaching English Grammar & Vocabulary for Writing and Reading (Secondary and Middle School)

  • Online (TTA. Code: TEG01O): 6 hours (but spent at least 12) (Completed 5th October)
  • Certificate under Files at bottom of page.
  • Very intensive course. LOTS of information. Handy activities, strategies and work book.
  • Feedback provided by presenter (Rod Campbell):

Thanks, Paul, for all the effort, and particularly for the feedback on layout. I will not be able to undertake many changes this year, but I will do that in January for next year.
The fact that you are willing to trial the strategies and to learn so much so quickly from undertaking them is music for me. You have to do that without a model, relying upon your understanding of my directions.
Please do not hesitate to contact me at moc.liamtoh|75llebpmacdor#moc.liamtoh|75llebpmacdor if you need some ideas, or have a few ideas to share.
I'll forward this email response to Tim at TTA, requesting him to forward your certificate to you.
Best wishes, Rod Campbell

Merit & Equity Training

  • Ballarat: 1 day (7th October)
  • The requirements of the M&E member on interview panels, checklist to tick off, etc.

Excel Training & On-Demand Data Entry and Analysis

  • Wyche with Wendy: 90 mins (9th September)
  • Learning basics of Excel and using the templates she has set up for On-Demand data.
  • Learnt to copy, change and modify.
  • Set up spreadsheets and graphs for all my current English classes.
  • Entered all data from On-Demand tests I have given for current years 7-10 students. (Including converting some scores from VELs to AusVELs). I now have graphs for all their Reading (and some Spelling) On-Demand scores.

Literacy Data Survey

  • Online: 40 mins (3rd September)
  • Questions on how our school receives, stores and uses data.

Data Analysis & Learning Strategies

  • Wycheproof College: 1 hour (1st September)
  • Briefly spoke about school NAPLAN data and using data to frame curriculum development.
  • Went through a list of 10 teaching strategies to adopt for the 7/8 class in particular.

Enhancing Student Learning Outcomes: A Four-Step Process

  • Wedderburn College: 3 hours (25th August)
  • Excellent PD that taught a clear process, but more importantly made use of many actual teaching strategies (something severely lacking from professional discussions lately).
  • Highlight: emphasis on teach the 'verb' (or directive) in questions given to students. Material on getting students to understand what 'analyse, argue, explain, etc' actually mean.
  • Training videos, plans, activities, etc, available at: ITC Publications.
  • Online thinking tools program ITC Think Drive.
  • Presented by Paul Herbert. Program based in Toowoomba, Qld.

Early Literacy Intervention

  • Webinar: 1 hour (28th July)
  • Turned out to be a sales pitch more than any strategies.

Regional English Moderation

  • Video Conferencing; 1 hour (5th May)
  • Completely unorganised event that threw several teachers into groups and expected us to correct each others' work and then 'talk' about it during another video conference.

On-Demand Tests

  • Wycheproof; 1 hour (+2 preparation) (29th January)
  • Along with KP, I ran a session outlining the different tests available and the reports you can attain after they are complete.

Building Student Resilience

  • Wycheproof; 1 hour (29th January)
  • Included information passed on by Andrew Fuller.

School Administration

  • Wycheproof; 1 day (28th January)
  • Curriculum planning and assessment data.
  • Extra duties for experienced staff.


Trade Centre Visit

  • Charlton; 2 hours (28th October).
  • Learnt about the courses and viewed the new facilities at the N.C.T.T.C.

On Demand PD

  • Bendigo; 1 day (28th October).
  • How to set up the whole system. How to access reports. What the data means. Where it is heading.


  • Online; 1 hour (17th September).
  • About early intervention for student welfare.

Hazard & Incident Reporting

  • Online; 1 hour (7th August).

Manual Handling

  • Online; 1 hour (7th August).

OHS for Employees

  • Online; 1 hour (7th August).

Video Conferencing

  • Wyche; 1 hour (22nd July).
  • How to use remote. Why VC is important in our region.


  • Wedderburn; 1 day (25th Feb).
  • Info session on the mentoring program.

Video Conferencing

  • Wyche; 1/2 day (? Jan).
  • Why VC is important in our region.


PD 2 sessions

  • Wyche; ~4 hours (22nd Sept).
  • Does anyone know what this was?

iPad Use (Barry Crocket)

  • Wyche; 1 1/2 hours (22nd Nov).

English AusVELs - 7-10 History

  • Online; 1 hour (5th Sept).

English AusVELs - Language Strand

  • Online; 1 hour (4th Sept).

Wellness (Peter Trask)

  • Wyche; 2 hours (27th August).

English AusVELs

  • Online; 1 hour (13th August).

First Aid

  • Wyche; 1 day (24th June).

Video Conferencing

  • Charlton; 2 hours ? (23rd July).

?? 2 PD Days

  • Wyche; 2 days (29-30th Jan).


Curriculum Development

  • Wyche; 1/2 day (17th August).

Web 2.0 Tools

  • Wyche; 1/2 day (17th August).
  • Visit from Ultranet mentor. Given a list of 101 sites/programs teachers should know. Very valuable. (Reminder: Need to go through this PowerPoint and add links to these sites).

Curriculum Development (and Reviewers)

  • Wyche; 1 day (31st July).
  • Reviewers went over data. Had a private meeting to discuss VELs levels and lack of variation in student results.


  • Wyche; 1 hour ? (6th June).

Combating Bullying

  • Swan Hill; 1 day (7th May).
  • With yr 7/8 students.


(Info was on the Ultranut).



(Info was on the Ultranut).



Netbook Ideas

  • ?; 1 day (7th December).
  • Activities and programs on the netbooks.

Electronic Whiteboards

  • Wyche; 1 hour (28th July).

Mentor Training

  • Bendigo; 1 day (25th May).
  • First half of mentor training.

Foundation Literacy

  • Wyche; 1/2 Day (Jan 30th).
  • Inc Reciprocal Reading.

Integrated Units

  • Wyche; 1/2 Day (Jan 30th).
  • Worked on putting together units with another subject area.

Thinking Tools

  • Wyche; 1 Day (Jan 29th).


  • Wyche; 1/2 Day (Jan 28th).

Using School Data

  • Wyche; 1/2 Day (Jan 28th).


Literacy Links

  • St. Arnaud; 3 days (16th-18th December).
  • Face to face course, teaching decoding and reading skills.

IT Conference

  • Melbourne; 1 day (24th November).
  • Shift Happens. Learnt a lot about Web 2.0 ideas.


  • Wyche; 1 hour.
  • Multiple sources of feedback (and P&D Accreditation).

Understanding Poverty

  • Charlton; 1 day.
  • Different approaches for students of varying economic backgrounds.
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